Welcome to Starlight Frost
Starlight Frost after performing at the Starlight Showcase 2020
Starlight Frost is Starlight Synchro Skating Club’s non-competitive Adult development team. Skaters are skating at Skate UK level 4 up to approximately Skate Star Gold.
Training Is on Monday Evening at The Time Capsule Ice Rink, Coatbridge,
7.15pm - 8:15pm on ice team session.
Additional ice may be available for an additional charge in summer. (Usually Thursdays or Saturdays at The Peak in Stirling).
Throughout the season we’ll work on different skating skills and routines including:
• Synchro team skills
• Skate UK level basic skills
• British Ice Skating test structure skills
• A Show programme for our annual Showcase
Team coach is Collette Norwood supported by Janet Donaldson.
The monthly standing order is £62 per month.
Starlight Synchro Monthly fees are by Standing order directly to the club account.
Please set this up yourself through your bank for the first of the month.
Sort Code 83-46-00
Account Number 19623148
Please use your/your skaters name as the reference so our treasurer can keep track.
We respectfully request one months notice of your intent to leave the club.
Starlight Frost’s team manager is Katrina Angus. Katrina skates with Starlight Frost and will be available to answer any questions you may have before or after the session. You can also contact her by email via starlightsynchro@gmail.com.